January 2021 Witness

A Note from Greg Burrell 

Not long after Garth announced his retirement, we happened to be walking down the hall together. I slapped him on the back and said, “Remember when we were the bright, young staff running this place? Where did THAT go?”

It has gone quickly. By the time you get this newsletter the strong, wise leadership of Garth Forster will be something we will remember, not experience. They have been great years, years we will all treasure.

The best news in all this is that Garth and Suzanne are still here with us, just a few miles down the road. I hope many of you will take the opportunity to give them a quick phone call to let them know they are loved and appreciated.  And I happen to know that Garth likes to eat lunch at one of our many fine Mexican restaurants.

And the First Baptist Church of Barnesville continues serving the Lord in this community. I told the staff the other day that this is the best church staff we have ever had. We have no shortage of caring people up here, people that are here when you need us. COVID-19 has not changed that; even our leader’s retirement has not changed that. This church is alive and well and ready to serve the Lord and you. So, we hope to see you Sunday; and if the virus is keeping you in, we hope to see you online. We are a family, and we prosper together; you need this church, and this church needs you. And pray; “ask and it shall be given to you.” Let’s start asking God for a great future for this church family!
