Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19
Compassion Car Ministry
A ministry of First Baptist Church Barnesville, serving all of Lamar County. Cancer patients can call the church to schedule a time to pick them up, drive them to their appointment and return them to their homes, all at no costs.
If you would like to schedule a pick up for your next appointment please call Mary at the church office at 770-358-2353.

Music Ministry
The music ministry at FBC seeks to create a vibrant outlet for people to use their musical gifts and talents to glorify God. The music ministry consists of multiple ways of serving including choirs, praise teams, and audio/visual teams.
College Ministry
First Baptist Church is blessed with Gordon State College campus not even a mile away from FBC’s property. This allows our congregation to have an open door to the nations. If you would like to serve with the collegiate ministry, please contact Jason Teal (wjteal@gmail.com).
Jail Ministry
This group conducts Bible studies and worship services in the two prison facilities in Lamar County. They visit and talk with the inmates in a large group setting. For more information please contact Robert Rainy or fill out the form below.