Men’s Bible Study
The men’s Bible study meets on Wednesdays at 6:30pm in Room B- 201. They study God’s Word and how to apply it to everyday.
Soul Sisters
Soul Sisters is a women’s group that meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 in Room D- 207. Soul Sisters are devoted to Bible Study, social interaction, and support. There are opportunities for teaching, planning retreats and activities, and help in carrying projects throughout the year.
The Canopy
The Canopy is a quarterly women’s night of worship. Women of all ages and backgrounds are welcomed to join in this community wide worship event. For more information about the Canopy follow us on Instagram @thrive121_thecanopy.

Women’s Missions Union
The WMU at FBC focuses on missions. The first Tuesday of every month the ladies gather together for Coffee and Conversation at 10:30 in the Annex. The morning program will have a guest speaker who encourages the people who attend missional living right where God has planted them.
Women of Purpose
The Women of Purpose Ministry exists to reach women for Christ (evangelism), help them develop meaningful relationships with other women (fellowship), provide opportunities for them to grown in their faith (discipleship), use their gifts for service (ministry), and to honor God with their lives (worship). Yearly events include an evening in spring, a fall retreat, Thanksgiving Dinner, and a Christmas fellowship. Through the Gordon State College school year the Women of Purpose also attend the BCM worship on Monday nights and provides snacks and drinks for the college students. They meet Wednesdays in room B-203 at 6:30pm.
Young at Heart
Young at Heart is a monthly gathering for our Senior Adults. They meet every 3rd Thursday of the month at 11am in the CFLC. Lunch is $6 per plate. Reservations are required for lunch.

Prayer Meeting/Bible Study
At 6:30 on Wednesdays in the Annex.
Grief Share
Help and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member, or friend. This group meets each Sunday at 5:30pm in Room D-207.