Our PASTOR SEARCH TEAM is composed of:


Monte McCall, Chairman                                        Rene Hubbard

Robert Rainey                                                          Kathy Selph

Allen Smith                                                              Josh Swatts, Alternate 


They recently received training from Chris Reynolds who serves our region in the Pastor Wellness division of the Georgia Baptist Mission Board. They have put together a search team covenant that they have pledged to keep as they fulfill their task. They have also put together a congregational survey that they would like all of our regular attenders to complete. You can pick up a paper survey at church, fill it out, then return it to the drop boxes available at either of our two Welcome Centers. You can also fill out this survey online by going to and clicking on the “Pastor Search Team Survey” link. All surveys are due back by Sunday, December 13th.

As we look to the upcoming months, the Pastor Search Team will be receiving resumes for a period of time, and then will begin to seek the person whom they believe should be the next pastor of our church. You, of course, will have an opportunity to meet that individual and their family, as well as to hear our prospective pastor preach before you are asked to vote.

Meanwhile, our PERSONNEL TEAM, chaired by Scott Turner, is charged with determing what type of pastoral leadership will be needed for our church in the transition between my leaving and your new pastor arriving. There are several options available to us, varying in depth of involvement and length of stay. Please pray daily for both of these teams as well as for our new pastor and family that God has already chosen for us!


Please note the Christmas events at our church

  • THE CHRISTMAS CANOPY takes place on Monday and Tuesday nights, November 30th and December 1st.
  • THE FBC CHRISTMAS PROGRAM, taking place Saturday and Sunday nights, December 12th and 13th, will involve a variety of church choirs, worship teams and special guests.
  • THE CHRISTMAS EVE FAMILY LORD’S SUPPER will take place on Thrusday evening, December 24th, from 4:00 to 6:30 P.M. in our Sanctuary. Suzanne and I look forward to sharing my last Christmas Ever Lord’s Supper with you.


This is the last newsletter column that I will write for this beloved church family.  For years, we sent out The Witness weekly rather than monthly as we do now. I have two drawers full of old newsletters – some 1,121 copies!    

I wish that I could communicate all of the emotions that are stirring in my heart at this moment after 28 ½ years as your pastor. There are memories of joy and sorrow, laughter and tears,  salvations of souls and every-deepening friendships that have lasted a lifetime. Thank you for the wonderful church staff that you have provided me as we served together. Thank you for your faithful support and unceasing encouragement as together we sought to grow this great, historic church. Suzanne and I will keep you in our hearts forever. You are an awesome church family!  REMEMBER NOW & ALWAYS…


We Love You!  Garth & Suzanne
