FBC Kids
The Preschool and Children’s Ministries here at FBC seeks to create a fun and safe learning environment for your child. For more information, please click the button below.
Driven Students
Student ministry at FBC is a place for students to be challenged and grow in their relationship with God. #DrivenToThrive
Thrive Young Adults
Thrive is the young adult ministry at First Baptist Church. Thrive seeks to create an environment for 18-25 year olds to grow in their relationship with Christ. Thrive is a community for young adults who are working professionals and young adults who are in college.

Adult Ministries
There are many ministries at FBC aimed at connecting adults together. From various community groups to monthly senior adult gatherings you will find a warm and welcoming group.

Serve With Us
As the church we have a special purpose for being on this earth. Our purpose is the Great Commission. At FBC we want to equip you to serve with the abilities that God has given you to help fulfill the Great Commission.

Sunday Small Groups
On Sundays we have a small group for every member of the family. Our small group Bible is at 10:00a on Sunday mornings.